Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year...

This New Year Celebration was quite a bit different from other years for my family. We usually go to a party hosted by someone in the ward and we do the countdown and play this crazy music game. Lol. This year my mom and my brothers all went to a cabin with some family friends, Steph had to work, and Dad and I were sick, so we stayed home and watched a ton of movies, ate good food, and some junk food too. Lol. I got two “Happy New Year!” texts and of course there was the New Year Resolutions making... Lol. It was really great to spend time with Dad. :)
And here’s the NYRs:
*Get A’s & B’s (yes, still a student.)
*Get in Shape (Typical) Not only Physically, but Spiritually.
*Write in my Journal every night.
*Don’t Break my Cell Phone.
*Save some Money…(Haha. Remember the Student Part?)

And that’s all I can remember right now. Lol.


1 comment:

Katie Williams said...

In order to not break your cell phone then you need to not chuck it across the room...