Thursday, December 10, 2009

Family Proclamation Project

I'm going to use this Wonderful tool I have {aka: my blog} to help me with a project. :D Yes that's right. I'm using you as part of a project I got to do in one of my classes. (Once I have more time [hahahaha] I need to redo the part I painted, but anyway....). I put some quotes from The Family: A Proclamation to the World on it too.

ANYWAY, I chose to create a wall display to go into my future home. The center of the display is a canvas painting with the word ‘family’ painted in a bold font on background of cool colors. Overlaying the word ‘family’ are several quotes from the family proclamation. Also, at the end of the quotes from the proclamation there is the familiar phrase, “Family is Forever.”  Surrounding the painted canvas are several pictures of Christ, the two documents, “The Living Christ” and “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”, several family photographs, our last Initial and the date my parents were married, and a picture of the Mesa Temple.

I came up with this particular project in order to, in a way,  proclaim how I feel about the family. When people walk into my home, it will be in a prominent place. People will be able to see it, and hopefully, they will ask about it. Then I will have the opportunity to explain it and bear my testimony about the family. I chose this particular design for the following reasons: The canvas with ‘Family’ is in the center because life should CENTER on the Family. The pictures of my family life surrounding the canvas symbolize this. The pictures of Christ, the temple, and the two documents are mixed in with the photographs of my family life because I believe that Christ, temple attendance and the values and principles in those documents should be integrated into family life. The canvas is painted in cool colors to promote a calm and peaceful feeling when looked at. ‘Family’ is painted in a bold font and a dark color to promote permanence and stability. The quotations I chose to put on the canvas each stuck out to me. The first couple are as follows.

“We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the Eternal Destiny of His children...”

“All human beings- male and female- are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of Heavenly parents, and as such, each has a divine nature and destiny....”

I hope that when others see these two quotations, that they will understand how I feel about the family and its members; that the family is sacred and that the members thereof are children of God, that we are all here for a reason.

The next two quotes are,

Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and their children…” and

 “Happiness in family life is most likely achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages & families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome recreational activities.”

These quotes, while amazing advice for others, I put on the canvas to remind me how to act towards my family. It is difficult to always do as we should. I hope by having this reminder in a central place in my home that I will be more apt to integrate these principles and beliefs into my marriage and family, and therefore be a good example to, and influence upon my neighbors, friends, and future family.

The final quote is not from the Family Proclamation. It is the familiar phrase, “Family is Forever.” I truly believe that Families can be together forever by being sealed in the Temple. I hope to achieve exaltation with my family. This quote reminds me of this goal.
Also in dealing with this project, I decided to actively participate in emailing my senators about how I hope they will vote on certain issues of abortion, marriage, same-sex marriage and other such things. I joined the group “Family Watch International” and they help to keep me updated on the issues now facing not only our society, but our world. I can’t describe how good it felt to express my views and opinions. Taking a stand for the Family is the biggest thing I can do to protect it.

I hope that my family knows how much I love them! I can't wait to go home in less than a week to see them and spend some much needed time with them all!!! TELL your family how much you LOVE THEM!!! If you don't, How will they know?!



A Piece of the Puzzel...Journey Through Life (Stacie) said...

AMMMMMMMBBBBBBER You are so amazing and a huge example to me! I loved your blog and would love to see your finished project. sounds amazing and i know that it is very beautiful! Im glad that you feel very pationate about the family. I do as well. I love you and miss oyu and thanks again for sharing this! :D

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

AMBER LYNN you are so very very talented ! ! !
I L O V E your blog ! Your spirit and love of F A M I L Y comes through your work ! And - what an example you are to everyone.
Love you so much Amber and we'll see you in a few days ! YEA ! ! !

Sheri said...

Love it Amber! What a great idea!